Looking At Monarchy | Charles A. Coloumbe
Opinion, Society, Monarchy Charles A. Coloumbe Opinion, Society, Monarchy Charles A. Coloumbe

Looking At Monarchy | Charles A. Coloumbe

The modern concept of nationhood is a waning mix of various traditions all being eroded by various factions whose interactions supersede nationhood. It is truly worrying that, at an alarming rate, nationality is becoming a word on a passport, rather than a substance of meaning. 

Nationality is much more than a term in which metaphysical formation exists as a foundation for modern government. 

The reduction of the nation is a vicious cycle comprised of immigration resulting in the watering down of native populations and native culture, which in turn promotes more immigration. 

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Nations are not compatible with multiculturalism | Zak Mudie
Opinion, Society, Nationhood Orthodox Conservatives Opinion, Society, Nationhood Orthodox Conservatives

Nations are not compatible with multiculturalism | Zak Mudie

The modern concept of nationhood is a waning mix of various traditions all being eroded by various factions whose interactions supersede nationhood. It is truly worrying that, at an alarming rate, nationality is becoming a word on a passport, rather than a substance of meaning. 

Nationality is much more than a term in which metaphysical formation exists as a foundation for modern government. 

The reduction of the nation is a vicious cycle comprised of immigration resulting in the watering down of native populations and native culture, which in turn promotes more immigration. 

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Russia Defeated: A Thought Experiment | Firas Modad
Opinion, Society, Foreign Policy Orthodox Conservatives Opinion, Society, Foreign Policy Orthodox Conservatives

Russia Defeated: A Thought Experiment | Firas Modad

Let us imagine that it is now 2025 or 2030. Russia has been defeated in Ukraine – despite its threats, it baulked at using nuclear weapons and accepted that it must surrender all Ukrainian territory it seized. 

President Vladimir Putin has been overthrown, and a more hardline, insular and autarkic regime that is incapable of projecting power abroad is left standing. 

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The Monarchy: a brief defence | Pierre-Louis Plumejeau-Wilby
Opinion, Society, Movements Orthodox Conservatives Opinion, Society, Movements Orthodox Conservatives

The Monarchy: a brief defence | Pierre-Louis Plumejeau-Wilby

If Edward Gibbon was right in saying that Christian morality destroyed the Roman Empire through its aversion to avarice and vice through charity and righteousness, then its absence is what has fashioned and nourished the unholy liberal-postmodernist alliance that occupies every seat within the current establishment.

We live under a regime dictated by ideological amorality and commodification through covetousness, embodied by the wholesale auctioning-off and watering down of all that was once considered integral organs of the body politic and community of this once United Kingdom; the monarchy is next.

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Are students getting an education worth their money which prepares them for the world? | Ojel L. Rodriguez Burgos
Education, Domestic, Opinion Ojel L. Rodriguez Burgos Education, Domestic, Opinion Ojel L. Rodriguez Burgos

Are students getting an education worth their money which prepares them for the world? | Ojel L. Rodriguez Burgos

As a result, education increasingly offers a muddle of subjects which bare little relation to requirements of the modern economy and civil life. Hence, we have universities offering more and more places on overly niche courses such as the University of Kent offering a MA degree in Stand-up comedy, the University of Plymouth giving a course on Surf Science and Technology and London Met offering a module titled “Forgetting of Air”.

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Vaccine Passports: an attack on SMEs | Lukhani Rogol
Opinion, Domestic, Liberty Orthodox Conservatives Opinion, Domestic, Liberty Orthodox Conservatives

Vaccine Passports: an attack on SMEs | Lukhani Rogol

The purpose of this is to allow those vaccinated to return to ‘normal’ lives whilst those who have decided not to have the vaccine will be barred from societal activities. The introduction of vaccine passports would, therefore, inevitably lead to a loss of individual liberty and the creation of an unnecessary discriminatory class system within British society, between the vaccinated and unvaccinated.

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The McNamara fallacy is the West’s major Achilles’ heel | Daniel Hardaker
Opinion, Foreign Policy, Globe Daniel Hardaker Opinion, Foreign Policy, Globe Daniel Hardaker

The McNamara fallacy is the West’s major Achilles’ heel | Daniel Hardaker

Due to the ease at which the training can be gamed, and the vagueness of its messages, the majority undertaking the training will not pay attention to the videos. Not, however, that doing so would make behaviour any safer. Nonetheless, the psychology of ‘completing’ safety training leads one to neglect intuition and alertness in favour of trusting in the machine, with predictable consequences. The whole network of data, checklists, and quotas creates an illusion, an alternate reality that does not correspond to the six inches in front of one’s nose. It drags both the individual and the society into a make-believe much more absurd than that which is frequently the target of derision by those driving the new world forward, religious devotion. As Western society becomes drowned in surplus information and metrics, the effect increases.

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